I aim to give this blog a simple and clear look in order to provide a dedicated reading experience with as few distractions as possible. In other words, I try to avoid cluttered and over-stimulating designs most sites these days tend to go for. My hope is that whoever stumbles upon one of my posts will be naturally curious to discover more of them, assuming that initial post was deemed at all interesting. To make that subsequent search a bit easier, my various posts are obviously categorized into labels, which I will now explain.
All English Posts – Self-explanatory. All posts written in the english language will be tagged with this label. Overall, most posts will be written in english because I want my blog to be as universal as possible.
All Portuguese Posts – Ibid. Sometimes it just makes more sense for me to write about a given subject in my first language. And in all likelihood, posts written in portuguese won't be about subjects that could interest people who don't speak the language. At any rate, a translation could be made if there's a demand for it.
Blog News – Posts tagged with this label will not be tagged with either of the previous two. Usually these will be brief and possibly written in both languages since they will mostly relate specific news and updates about the blog as a whole.
Cinema – Essays about film. Most of them tend to be long-form analyses regarding my personal interpretations of various films, often accompanied with plenty of screenshots. Other times they may be critiques or slightly more informal opinion pieces.
Literature – Essays about books, poetry and possibly manga. Some will be about complete works, while others will be about passages or particular ideas or characters.
My Books – Detailed information about the books I wrote, information such as synopses or passages, or even whole chapters, which you could read to ascertain if the complete work might be in accordance to your literary taste.
My Musings – Free-form writing, almost reminiscent of rants. Posts under this label are still argumentative, though far less structured. Their subjects aren't likely to follow any particular pattern.
Philosophy – Essays about philosophical discussions, mostly ethics and religion. You can expect to find a lot of stuff about christianity, atheism and their respective offspring, including pessimism.
Random – All posts that don't fall under any other category. They won't quite be free-form writing nor will they be rants. They will be about subjects I like but that I don't feel warrant a whole new label to be created. Some common subjects here may include, but are not limited to, music and gaming.
Television – Essays about TV shows, including anime. These posts are likely to be more brief than film analyses, and instead focus more on specific aspects of any given series or particular episode.
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