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Showing posts from June, 2021

Meditações sobre “Em Busca do Tempo Perdido V – A Prisioneira”

Estou agora perto do fim, tanto da obra em si como desta série de ensaios que eu, nas minhas tentativas de compreender e apreciar Em Busca do Tempo Perdido, tenho escrito. Comecei no verão passado, tendo planos de finalizar a obra inteira justamente no verão seguinte, que é este aqui e agora. Ainda vou muito a tempo mas é curioso que, tanto quanto sei, sempre me atrasei na leitura de cada volume. Às vezes lia cinquenta páginas seguidas e a bom ritmo, mas outras vezes passava dias sem sequer ter vontade de abrir o livro. Sempre me foi assim mas por outro lado sempre consegui terminar o ensaio respetivo a cada volume no seu devido tempo, sendo que o derradeiro será algures no final deste verão. E se insisto sobre a importância do verão é porque ele é importante para mim. Para Proust também parece ser mas não faço questão de fazer misturas ou de oferecer objetividade com as minhas interpretações, pelo menos não como objetivo principal. O que mais quero com tudo isto é, muito sinceramente...

It's Weird When a Video Game's Difficulty Is Mostly Based on Time

Maybe all video games are a little bit like that, but some more than others... With speedrunning being so popular nowadays, you could argue a game can be beaten in an impressively short amount of time, but if you want to play it the way it's meant to be played, which would be something like spacing out gaming sessions and really taking the time to discover all of the game's features as you unlock them, then you might take much, much longer to reach the end credits. Even more so if you try to go for an ever-illusive one hundred percent completion run. Thing is, content can't be all that creative and varied, especially with some of the older games I love and aim to talk a bit about, and thus some of it is bound to be a little repetitive. The weird thing, to which I don't have a great answer either way, is when a game's difficulty, or even its whole run, is essentially based on dedicating a whole lot of time to it, that is to say, you have to grind until you get whatev...

My 3 Favorite Moments in “Attack on Titan”

Having recently finished this tale I realized I had quite a few things to say about it, both about its rather unsatisfying ending but also just some of my criticisms of the story overall, which more or less tie together to explain why I couldn't love it quite as much as I wanted to. It was just a constant tug of war for me, this strange feeling of loving certain aspects of Isayama's creation, such as its mystery and unfailing spirit, while also really hating other aspects, such as unresolved plot threads or the ultimate direction the story took. But it don't make much sense now to get too deep into it, I've said my piece and I don't aim to repeat it, at least not at this point, and not to mention how it might prove differently when the anime ends and all this stuff resurfaces once again... We'll climb over that wall when we get to it, I suppose... For now I have a more laudatory essay in mind, which would be a little compilation of my three favorite moments in ...

5 Reasons Why I Can't Love “Attack on Titan”

Now that this whole story is finally over, though it might prove a little different in the upcoming anime version, and now seeing as quite a lot of people are divided on the ending, I finally feel comfortable enough to confess that I don't love Attack on Titan. I know, shocking, right? A lot of people, even those who absolutely hated the ending, might claim that this is an absolute masterpiece of storytelling but that it has been sadly ruined by a terrible ending, so even with them I might not find much support. Then again I don't find much support even with myself because my relationship with this world Isayama created really is a battle of love and hate. Some aspects of it I really, really love and they've made me very intrigued over the years, intrigued enough to watch the anime all the way through twice and to read the manga cover to cover in just a few days, but on the other hand I've also found myself thoroughly disappointed by quite a lot of moments, twists and...