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Showing posts from July, 2023

A Minha Interpretação Pessoal de “Ó Sino da Minha Aldeia” de Fernando Pessoa

Escrevi dez artigos sobre o Fernando Pessoa, assim como os seus heterónimos, aqui neste blogue. Escrevi-os porque ainda tinha umas coleções dos seus poemas aqui na minha estante, e portanto achei engraçado folhear e dar uma vista d'olhos pelos meus apontamentos em busca de qualquer coisa para ver o que me vinha à memória com cada página. Nesse sentido sempre foi engraçado, como muitas vezes é, encontrar coisas que já não me recordava de ter escrito, e na tinta de uma caneta que já há muito secou e da qual já me desfiz... E escrevo isto agora porque de uma forma que sempre me fez sentido, a partir de um minimalismo qualquer que às vezes tenho vontade de praticar, a partir de um impulso ao qual não resisti hoje obedecer, também já me desfiz dos livros... Não sei bem porquê, não sei se é sonho, se realidade, mas achei por bem fazê-lo, talvez porque associo aos objetos memórias específicas, e quando vejo que já passou a fase da minha vida à qual as associei, o objeto em si deixa de f...

The Iconic Designs of the Egyptian God Cards

Glancing through some of the many random articles in this very blog might lead you to conclude that I, like most kids from my generation, like Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and Yu-Gi-Oh! games. I still vaguely but powerfully recall getting my first ever two packs, picked for no reason other than the color of the set, especially since at the time all the cards were in japanese, even if they were being sold in my local portuguese supermarket. I guess that just goes to show how huge Yu-Gi-Oh! became which is a pretty cool thing... Anyway, though I eventually acquired quite a few cards, including some very legitimate ones that might have been worth a decent chunk of money had I kept them in mint condition, most of my rarest cards were sadly fakes. At the time, being a naive kid and all, and the internet being what it was, I had no clue where to even get decent cards, and when I did find a place that sold them I didn't find much variety therein. This made it quite frustrating to watch the anime but...

A Note on Addiction and Forgiveness in “The Wire”

Some television shows do so many different things so damn well that you could write entire essays about just one or two aspects of any given scene. The Wire is for sure one of those shows, with its brilliance being both timeless as well as all-encompassing. Still, a lot of those aspects are a combination of way over my head, not really my area of expertise to begin with, or already have been talked about by much smarter people than me. However, when I last rewatched the show, almost a year ago actually, I thoroughly loved it, even more than the previous time I watched it, but I only made one note – Walon, episode one-ten, addiction and forgiveness. Now, in many ways I could have written something similar about plenty of other scenes, probably all of Walon's scenes in fact, but it was this particular one that simply made the most sense to me, what with him and Bubbles sitting on a park bench during a warm Baltimore morning, talking about life and people and forgiveness, with the c...