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Showing posts from March, 2023

My Second Favorite Quran Verse

Sorry to disappoint but no, I'm still not a muslim. But at this point I do feel that this should be inconsequential, at least with regards to what I wanna talk about now. It shouldn't matter what you are, it should matter what the book says, because when you're right, you're right, as the saying goes. As such, there's no reason why the Quran should an exception... I already wrote an article about my favorite, and I guess more personal verse, the intricacies of which I can't at this present time recall in great detail, though I fully remember the moment in my life that made me appreciate said verse in the first place, and I likewise remember the time in my life during which I wrote that brief article on what I perceived to be a beautiful sense of religious stoicism. And so today, because it is a similar day, and because this has been on my mind a lot lately, I figured I'd ponder a bit about my second favorite Quran verse, which would be the sixth and final v...

No, Atheism Isn't “Just” a Lack of Belief in God

You don't need to discuss atheism for a long time before you find yourself presenting, or being presented with, the claim that atheism is just a lack of belief in God. In that sense atheism isn't so much a preposition but more so the rejection of one, it's not defined by the presence of one thing, it's defined by the absence of that thing. Atheism would then be, not so much a thing in and of itself, but more a rejection of God and by extension religion, which means that atheism only has any meaning insofar as religion is itself a meaningful presence in the world. I myself used to present this kind of claim when I was seventeen or eighteen, but I have since stopped, keeping in line with this recurring theme of mine that in recent times I've been critical of many aspects of the atheist movement. This lack-of-belief talking point is one of them, and though I may have addressed it here and there, I figured that a slightly more in-depth approach made sense... So is athe...

Defending Jordan Peterson's Worst Point

A long while back I made myself a Reddit account, mostly to try and hopefully get Jordan Peterson's attention over some stuff I wrote. It was a total long shot though, there was always a slim chance he wouldn't read it, and so that's exactly what happened. Who'd have thought, hey?... But anyway, I then decided to write a new post defending what I perceived to be, to my knowledge, his worst point as it relates to religious belief and morality. I got some interaction out of it, but enough to kinda sour my appreciation for the site. One person made the typical edgy comments on religion, as well as some wild claims that apparently didn't require any evidence whereas I couldn't say two plus two equals four without an entire university of science backing me, another person brought up a ton of random stuff I ain't never heard of and also a little beside the point, and a third person thought Jordan's worst point would have been something else to begin with. No ...