On first glance this is a pretty dumb argument. It went something along the lines of – atheists aren't really convinced God doesn't exist, they just convinced themselves of it so that they can wallow in sin... It sounds strange and doesn't make much sense for a couple of reasons, the first of which is that it attempts to psychoanalyze a stereotypical view of the atheist mindset instead of addressing the actual atheist arguments. Don't get me wrong though, psychology still plays an important part in the discussion, at least to me, and I've mentioned my thoughts about it very often, but it's still incorrect to use some armchair psychology as a way to minimize or avoid the actual arguments. And even if the psychological profile happens to be correct, it doesn't then follow that the philosophical arguments are incorrect. It could well be that the notion of God makes no sense and that religion is entirely man-made, even if in the atheist's mind there happens ...