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Showing posts from March, 2024

A Non-Vegan Fella With Empathy Issues Watches “Dominion”

I think I can safely say I'm not a sociopath. That may be a funny way to start an essay, and an even funnier way to start a date, but I feel it is worth mentioning here. I think I'm a little strange as far as empathy goes, not because I don't feel it but because I don't feel it all that immediately. It's as if there's a delayed reaction, sometimes lasting months or years. For instance, I remember once when I was in school, I must have been thirteen or so, I saw this sorta nerdy girl running along the hallway, she tripped, fell down, and all the contents of her backpack went flying over her head. And everyone laughed... I didn't, in all honesty, I never found that kind of thing to be all that funny, though I do have a strange sense of humor nonetheless. So no, I didn't laugh, but I also didn't much care for it, that is until many years later when I was writing something down and this girl's fall came to me out of nowhere, and only then did I feel...

The Regularness of Life

I was just watching some random clips of The Sopranos, as I every so often do, and I came across one of my all-time favorite scenes. It's season one, Tony gets picked up by Christopher who arrives late and after a string of recent screw-ups. Tony chastises him in his typical Tony way, but then Christopher opens up and they have something of a rare moment. And this moment is very relevant, maybe one of the most important moments in the entire show, especially as it pertains to the more psychological aspects of it, because it's the first moment where Tony and Christopher talk about depression. And the way it's phrased by Christopher, the way a relatively uneducated man verbalizes his innermost feelings, it's just so poignant and full of depth that I've come to steal the phrase and use it myself when describing what it truly is like to feel depressed – It is to constantly struggle when facing the regularness of life. “Can I try and explain here?... I don't know, T...

Working Title – “Yellow Green”

Ever since starting this here blog I've alternated my publishing schedule a bit. For the longest time I had this weird OCD impulse to upload a set number of articles a month, including this now past year, during which I made it my mission to upload three articles a month. Now I'm changing my mind and I'm gonna let go of those neat impulses to instead publish more randomly, whenever an idea comes to mind and I write it down and I feel it's nice ready to be shared. So this post sounds a lot like it should be under the Blog News tag, but it isn't because of the main reason why I'm letting go of my three or four or six articles a month schedule – because I'm writing a new book. I've never done this before because my first two books were finished before I started my blog, and my third one was started way before I even had any ideas to write a blog. But with this one it's different because I've done quite a bit of writing by now, and I don't plan...