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Showing posts from December, 2023

A Lifelong Hiatus

Some things are a matter of duty, some things are a matter of principle. Sometimes in life you need to burn the bridges and burn the ships, and then carry on in whatever path you've chosen. Indeed, sometimes two fierce rivals will hate each other but still deeply respect each other, while they may truly love a friend and yet not really respect him. Similarly, a student may love a teacher he doesn't respect, and may respect a teacher he absolutely hates, depending on how cool or how strict the teacher is. This is because for one reason or another, and maybe for reasons that are even a little irrational, we tend to see conviction as an inherently admirable thing, whether or not we are forced to. Then again, it is a strange thing to admire because some men of conviction have done truly wicked things in the same measure as some other men of conviction have done great things. It might as well be a double-edged sword, but whatever the case may be, the fact remains that conviction is ...

The Three Marys of Happiness

I know one or two things. Sadly, neither of them are about happiness, so I gotta give it my best shot here and hope I come even remotely close to something neat. Then again everyone wants happiness, regardless of how it is actually defined, and so everyone thinks about it and therefore has some fairly universal ideas of what it really is. For now I have three ideas that I hope to go into some detail about, even if presently I'm not too sure of what I'll say. I do know this though – if happiness really exists, then it is ever-fleeting. One minute you have a lot of it, the next minute it's all gone and replaced by a piano hanging over your head. For that reason, my takes on happiness might be fairly practical, or at least practical happiness is the only kind I ever had access to in my life, that is, at least assuming it's not the only kind of happiness that exists... Whatever the proper truth may be, of one thing I am safely convinced – happiness is not a spiritual, ether...

Synchronicity Really Is a Strange Thing

I think about these things a lot – coincidence, destiny, luck, all of it. Or maybe I don't think about them all that much but they do come up every once in a while. The weird thing is though, when they do come up, they do so with quite a bit of force. As such it's tempting to think synchronicity really is real, and that all these little details and little moments in our path were placed there specifically for us, kinda like a helpful NPC in a video game, either giving us a nudge towards the right direction or heralding the coming of a great advent, whatever the case may be. Other times though, moments of synchronicity don't seem to mean anything at all, or at least nothing serious comes out of them, and so whatever meaning they do have, it's hard to tell if it is truly there and we just need to find it, or if whatever meaning we do find is nothing more than a made-up thing. In that sense, I suppose, a theory that can't be proven wrong isn't a very good one, and ...