Excerpts from Nostos 286. THE PARABLE OF THE TAX COLLECTOR He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. There was once an honest man who lived alone. He grew his own food by working hard under the sun with his own two hands until they bled. For drink, he traveled to the nearby river and drew fresh water from the stream. For warmth, he chopped down trees and lit them ablaze against the cold. And at night he guarded himself, his house and his work from the howling wolves that came from the forest, under the cold cover of darkness. Verily, his life was tough, but it was all his. He did not think of what was good or bad, he just accepted things as they were. It is what it is, he'd always think to himself, as if it was a new truth each time. But one day a wandering traveler came walking in the distance. The honest man watched carefully, and waited. The wandering traveler approached with a smile, as they often do, gave a courteous bow and began his memorized speech. – Sweet friend, we have ...