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Showing posts from November, 2021

Excerpts from “Nostos” – 243, 285, 327

Excerpts from Nostos 243. THE BAFFLED KING Where hast thou gone? When hast thou forsaken me? When I was crowned king I ruled over a vast kingdom. Now all have I lost, and all is vanity. The cold morning air creeps through my castle window so as to wake me. And the light that finds me is dark as the lightest dusk. Still, I rise and walk out into the world. Behold your king, I say to the deserted dew-covered fields through which my saddened voice echoes. There are no more steps in the long, winding corridors, no drowned voices through the stone walls, no tired hands building homes, no fathers wielding swords, no mothers tending children... I don my armor of heavy gold, silver and pride, and though I have no destiny, I carry on, leaving behind nothing but a bed half-cold. Lush ivy spreads in between the rifts of my castle walls, the grass outside grows tall and wild, the well overflows with the rain of days gone by. No war has my kingdom seen save that of time... Earth and wind will recla...

Excerpts from “Nostos” – 182, 330

Excerpts from Nostos 182. THE ART OF PORNOGRAPHY Pornography is an art form. That is my thesis for this essay. I shall expose my argument regarding this strange subject, as well as explain how I understand its nature. The first counter-argument one needs to dispel is simple. It is the natural, almost guttural response one hears regarding the subject itself, understandably so, I'd say. Someone will ask, how can such disgusting, demeaning, distasteful acts be considered art? Simply put, pornography being art doesn't entail that all pornography, or rather, all forms of sexual behavior documented in images, still or moving, constitute art. In that same manner, one would argue that music is art even whilst acknowledging certain types of atrocious music. It follows with everything else. From this we can draw two implications – either we argue that it is bad music and therefore it can't be art, or we argue that it doesn't meet certain standards in order to be classified as pro...

Excerpts from “Nostos” – 109, 181, 228

Excerpts from Nostos 109. I wander through dreams in which I see evergreen meadows breathing in the wind, all while a soft tingling lyre whispers the thoughts of ancient nymphs, and the sun shines bright for you today... It casts cool, dancing shadows all through the olive tree of your comfort. And so as to evade all and any pain, I wish for you to imagine my lips upon your cheek, as I will imagine yours upon mine, and nothing more. All else fades away with each touch... Your beauty, forever fleeting, and mine, that never was, and then the moment becomes but a shadow too, the pleasure turns to bitter pain, and all the rest, a grave disappointment. For the beauty of a goddess is beseeched and dreamed of amidst the calm sleep of the naive soul, never to be truly embraced. We gaze at each other's lips and no more, so that this shall be our everlasting secret, the desire to kiss. For we never begun what was bound to end. All we had was ours, for we had nothing. 181. I spoke with a dep...